Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What Is Community Policing?

What Is Community Policing? Community policing is probably the most misunderstood and often abused topic in police management during the past years. During the last few years, it has become fashionable for police agencies to create community policing, and very often with little understanding of what that phrase really means. It is true, that any kind of organizational tinkering has been called community policing. But community policing is not a program. Instead, community policing is a value system which permeates a police department, in which the primary organizational goal is working cooperatively with individual citizens, groups of citizens, and both public and private organizations to identify and resolve issues which potentially effect the livability of specific neighborhoods, areas, or the city as a whole. Community-based police departments recognize the fact that the police cannot effectively deal with such issues alone, and must partner with others who share a mutual responsibility for resolving problems. Community policing stresses prevention, early identification, and timely intervention to deal with issues before they become unwieldy problems. Individual officers tend to function as general-purpose practitioners who bring together both government and private resources to achieve results. Officers are encouraged to spend considerable time and effort in developing and maintaining personal relationships with citizens, busine sses, schools, and community organizations. Here are some other common features of community policing: Beyond crime fighting a focus on livability Many police departments and police officers define their role primarily in terms of crime control. The very term law enforcement agency is certainly an indication of this focus. But policing is much more than law enforcement. Many studies have shown that dealing with crime consumes only 10-20% of the police workload. Officers in community-based police departments understand that crook-catching is only one part of their job, and a rather small one by comparison to the myriad of issues and problems they deal with each day. Officers freely accept a significant role in issues that might be derisively referred to as social work in traditional police departments. Officers understand that resolving a problem with unruly people drinking at a public park, working to reduce truancy at a middle school, marshalling resources to improve lighting in a mobile home park, and removing abandoned vehicles from streets, may all be forms of valid and valuable police work, which affect the livability of a neighborhood. Rather than treating these activities as diversions from real police work, officers understand that this is the essence of their work. Citizen Involvement The police department strives to actively involve citizens in its operations, through a variety of means. Volunteers are widely used, whether college interns or retired seniors. Citizen patrols and crime prevention initiatives are welcomed and encouraged. Area commanders meet often with members of the public to solicit input and feedback. Many internal committees include public participation. Policy decisions typically involve opportunities for input from citizens, and the department has both formal and informal mechanisms for this purpose. Promotional boards include citizens. The department seeks to educate the general public about police work in various ways, including publications, web sites, public-access television, town hall meetings, citizen police academies. The department accepts and even encourages citizen review of its performance. Geographic Responsibility The primary division of labor for the police is geographical. Officers identify with their area of assignment, rather than the work shift or functional division. Commanders are assigned to geographical areas and given wide latitude to deploy their personnel and resources within that area. Individual officers adopt even smaller geographical areas and feel a sense of ownership for that area. Officers commonly know many of the people who live and work in this area, and are intimately familiar with the areas geography, businesses, schools, and churches. Officers seek out detailed information about police incidents which have occurred in their area of assignment during their off-duty time. Long-term Assignment Officers can expect to work in the same geographical area for many years. Officers preferences for areas are considered in making assignments. Rotation of geographical assignments is rare. The organization values the expertise and familiarity that comes with long-term assignment to the same area. Decentralized Decision Making Most operational decisions are decentralized to the level of execution. Field officers are given broad discretion to manage their own uncommitted time. Operational policies are concise, and serve as general guidelines for professional practice more than detailed rules and regulations. First line supervisors are heavily involved in decisions that are ordinarily reserved for command ranks in traditional police departments. Participative Management The department employs numerous methods to involve employees at all levels in decision-making. Staff meetings, committees, task forces, quality circles, and similar groups are impaneled often to address issues of internal management. Many workplace initiatives begin with ideas or concepts brought forward from line employees. Obtaining input from frontline employees is viewed as an essential part of any policy decision. The department has comparatively few levels of rank, and rank is seldom relied upon to settle disagreements. Supervisors view their role primarily in providing support to field personnel by teaching, coaching, obtaining resources, solving problems, and running interference. Generalist Officers Field officers dominate the sworn work force. Officers are expected to handle a huge variety of police incidents, and to follow through on such incidents from beginning to end. Specialization is limited to those areas where considerable expertise is an absolute necessity. Even when specialists are used, their role is to work cooperatively with field officers, rather than assume responsibility for cases or incidents from field officers. Most specialists view their jobs as offering technical expertise and support to field personnel. Police Leadership on Community Issues Senior police managers are deeply involved in community affairs. They speak out frequently and freely on issues of community concern, some of which are only tangentially related to law enforcement per se. Police managers are encouraged to pursue important community issues as a personal cause. Elected officials consult with police managers often. Police representation is obligatory on committees or study groups which are set up to examine significant issues on the public agenda, and it is not uncommon for police officers to serve in leadership positions in community organizations. Proactive Policing The police department employs techniques to manage its workload in order to make blocks of time available for police officers to address identified problems. The police response to an emerging problem typically involves significant input and participation from outside the department. The department routinely uses a range of tactics other than responding to individual incidents, such as: targeted saturation patrol, bicycle and foot patrol, undercover/plainclothes/decoy/surveillance operations, educational presentations, coordination of efforts with other government or human service agencies, support to volunteer efforts, initiation of legislative proposals, and so forth. Rather than merely responding to demands for police services, the department employees a Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) approach: identifying emergent problems, gathering data, bringing together stakeholders, and implementing specific strategies targeting the problem. The police response to an on-going or repetitive problem seldom involves only police resources. The police are concerned not only with high-visibility crimes, but with minor offenses which contribute to fear of crime, and negatively effect public perception of city or neighborhood safety. Emphasis on Quality The police define success and accomplishment primarily by the results achieved and the satisfaction of the consumer of services, rather than by strictly internal measures of the amount of work completed. Thus, there may be decreased emphasis on common productivity measures such as clearance rate, numbers of arrests, response time, etc., and increased emphasis on outcomes. Thoroughness and quality are clear emphases, but doing the right thing is as important as doing things right. The department employs methods to assess public satisfaction with services, and both individual officers and managers think about ways to improve based on this feedback. Recognition and Professional Development Officers receive frequent recognition for initiative, innovation, and planning. The department systematically acknowledges problem-oriented policing projects that achieve results. Seasoned field officers are highly valued for their skill and knowledge, and feel little pressure to compete for promotion to supervisory positions in order to advance their career. Commendations and awards go to officers for excellent police work of all kinds, not just crime control. Officers receive the respect and admiration of their colleagues as much for their empathy, compassion, concern for quality, and responsiveness, as for their skill at criminal investigation, interrogation, and zeal in law enforcement. What Community Policing is not Despite the claims of some ill-informed critics, community policing is not soft on crime. Quite the contrary, it can significantly improve the ability of the police to discover criminal conduct, clear offenses, and make arrests. Improved communication with citizens and more intimate knowledge of the geography and social milieu of the beat enhances, rather than reduces, the officers crime-fighting capability. Moreover, though some of these may be used as specific strategies, community policing is not: school resource officers a grant storefront police substations a pilot program in a single area of town foot or bicycle patrols a specialized unit of neighborhood police officers a citizen police academy When an agency claims to have implemented community policing last week, thats a pretty good indication that it has not. Individual programs or projects that form part of this change may be implemented, but community policing is not implemented. You dont start it at the beginning of the fiscal year. It is a process that evolves, develops, takes root and grows, until it is an integral part of the formal and informal value system of both the police and the community as a whole. It is a gradual change from a style of policing which emphasizes crime control and crook catching, to a style of policing which emphasizes citizen interaction and participation in problem solving. You cant tell whether community policing exists in a city on the basis of the press release, the organizational chart, or the annual report. Rather, it can best be discerned by observing the daily work of officers. It exists when officers spend a significant amount of their available time out of their patrol cars; when officers are common sight in businesses, schools, PTA meetings, recreation centers; when most want to work the street by choice; when individual officers are often involved in community affairs-cultural events, school events, meetings of service clubs, etc., often as an expected part of their job duties. It exists when most citizens know a few officers by name; when officers know scores of citizens in their area of assignment, and have an intimate knowledge of their area. You can see it plainly when most officers are relaxed and warmly human-not robotic; when any discussion of a significant community issue involves the police; and when few organizations would not think of tackling a significant issue of community concern without involving the police. The community-based police department is open-it has a well-used process for addressing citizen grievances, relates well with the news media, and cultivates positive relationships with elected officials. The Lincoln Police Department has been implementing community-based policing since 1975. Late that year, Chief George K. Hansen announced to the public our first tentative steps into something we called at that time neighborhood-based team policing. While similar projects in cities including Los Angeles and Cincinnati came and went, we continued. We are perhaps the only police department in the United States that has been involved so long and so thoroughly in a conscious effort to refine and enhance the community-based approach. Twice (in 1977, 1993, and 2001) we have embarked on comprehensive strategic planning initiatives involving scores of employees and dozens of recommendations for enhancing our efforts. We have done exceedingly well at incorporating certain aspects of community-based policing in the fabric of daily life at LPD. Concerning long-term geographical assignment, or the generalist officer approach, for example, we have a long track record of successful practice. In ot hers, such as problem-oriented policing, we have steadily improved. Our problem-oriented policing projects are becoming both more frequent and more sophisticated. In a few areas, however, such as involvement of citizens in our decision-making process, we have much more to do before we achieve excellence. Community policing in Lincoln will continue to evolve. We will build on some of our most powerful strengths: a highly educated and capable work force, a respect for research and evaluation, and a willingness to change. We will learn from our setbacks, and be constantly open to innovation as we adapt to a changing city, society, and world. We do not have a self-image of the thin blue line, protecting the helpless public from the ravages of predatory criminals. Rather, we live, work, recreate, raise our children, and enjoy our city as citizens first, even though we are citizens who have a special professional responsibility for protecting others and ensuring the livability of our city. We are wholeheartedly committed to policing Lincoln in concert with our fellow citizens. http://www.aacounty.org/Police/commBasedPolicing.cfm Community Policing is an organizational wide philosophy and management approach that promotes community, government and police partnerships; proactive problem solving; and community engagement to address the causes of crime, fear of crime and other community quality of life issues. Two of the core components of community policing are: Community Partnerships and Problem Solving. Community Partnerships are joint efforts between law enforcement agencies and their communities to address the significant crime and quality of life issues. Problem Solving is a process for analyzing a problem from several perspectives in order to seek the most thoughtful approach possible, which should also be the solution that is most likely to succeed. Community policing provides the community with a: Voice in how it will be policed Permanent resolution to reoccurring problems Stronger, safer and friendlier place to live Better understanding of police capabilities and limitations Closer working relationships with the police and other governmental agencies It benefits the Department by providing: A way to more efficiently and effectively use department resources A way to be more responsive to the community Better intelligence about criminals Better communications More community support for Department programs http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/files/portal/issueareas/security/security_pdf/2004_Hesta_Peake.pdf Community-Based Policing as a Model for Police Reform Fundamental Principles of Community-Based Policing 1 . Policing by consent, not coercion. 2 . The police as part of the community, not apart from it. 3 . The police and community working together to find out what communities needs are. 4 . The police, public and other agencies working together in partnership. 5 . Tailoring the business of policing to meet community needs. Community-based policing is both a philosophy (a way of thinking) and an organizational strategy (a means to carry out that philosophy) that allows the police and community to work together in new ways to solve problems of crime, disorder and safety. It rests on two core elements: changing the methods and practice of the police and taking steps to establish a relationship between the police and the public. The philosophy is built on the belief that the public deserves an input into policing, and indeed, has a right to it. It also rests on the view that in order to find solutions to community problems, the police and the public must move beyond a narrow focus on individual crimes or incidents, and instead consider innovative ways of addressing community concerns. At the heart of community-based policing is the recognition that the police are much more than mere crime fighters and can be public servants in other ways. The end goal is the creation of a professional, representative, responsive, and accountable institution that works in partnership with the public. These peace officers are a service rather than a force, and an institution that only criminals need rightly fear. Achieving these goals requires taking action at three levels: individual, institutional, and societal. (L. Lindholt, P. De Mesquita Neto, D. Titus, and E. Alemika, Human Rights and the Police in Transitional Countries, (Leiden: Brill Academic Pub, 2003), p. 22.) Even as the values of service and competency are imparted at the level of the individual officer, an appropriate management structure, capable of embedding and sustaining these values, must be created as well. Reform to the police alone, however, is insufficient; community support and assistance are also necessary to achieving the basic goals of the police. Community based policing, therefore, also encompasses strategies to reorient the public who, for frequently good reasons, have been leery and distrustful of the police. Building partnerships between the police and communities is a major challenge that confronts aspirant reformers, but thus far, international reform efforts have given little recognition to this challenge not one of the mandates for UN missions mentions engagement with local communities as a reform priority. The philosophy of community-based policing asks of both the police and the public a leap of faith and a commitment to effect change. It is a complex process that requires contemporaneous action to be taken at multiple levels meaning that detailed strategic planning necessary to translate philosophy into practice within the police organization and among the public. A detailed plan has often proved lacking in internationally inspired police reform plans however. Beyond a rhetorical commitment to police reform there has been little sense of how to operationalize a reform process to achieve the changes sought. Community-Based Policing: More Than Just Law and Order Policing is an activity that is not carried out in isolation. All the disparate aspects of policing that individual officers are called upon from issuing parking tickets to thwarting crimes impact and involve other institutions and processes. The workshop discussed how a community-based police reform program fits in with, and can contribute significantly to advancing, a variety of security, social, and developmental objectives and agendas. Community-based policing and security sector reform External actors pick and choose which parts of security sector reform (SSR) they carry out without necessarily seeing how these elements are linked and interrelated. Although at a policy level, the police are considered an integral element of the security sector, this synergy between the two is rare at the level of implementation. For many donors, SSR remains a primarily military concern, deprioritizing policing. Policing is also sometimes in a different institutional silo, which presents an institutional barrier to actual coordination. Greater synergy between the reform processes towards the various institutions that make up the security sector would be beneficial. Community-based policing, the rule of law, good governance, and human rights To be effective police reform must link other criminal justice institutions. The entry point to the justice system and the part in closest contact with the public, a fair, competent, non-discriminatory, and respectful police is integral to upholding the rule of law. Along with courts and the correctional service, the police are an essential part of the triad of institutions needed to make a justice system run effectively (R. Mani, Beyond Retribution: Seeking Justice in the Shadows of War (London: Polity, 2002), pp.56-68.)Experience suggests that positive impacts to one of this triad of institutions will be nullified without similar concentration on other institutions. Community-based policing, development, and poverty reduction Community-based police reform can contribute to a wider poverty reduction strategy. Several donor agencies and governments have recognized the links between security, development, and poverty reduction. High levels of crime stifle development in any community businesses become the victims of crime, commercial activities (including those of the informal sector) are interrupted, and outside investment leaves. The poor and marginalized also suffer disproportionately from the effects of crime and violence. They lack adequate protection from corrupt or dysfunctional security institutions. The poor are also often marginalized when it comes to political or social structures and are likely to have very little influence over the policies and programs that affect their daily lives. Community-based policing, through its partnership approach, aims to ensure that the safety and security needs of all groups in a particular community are addressed. In this way, the police can facilitate all peoples access to justice, regardless of their social or economic status. Addressing local needs while effectively combating crime improves safety and security, and with it, strengthens the conditions for development to take place. Community-based policing and stemming smallarms proliferation Controlling the availability and circulation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) is vital in the effort to increase community safety, the aim of communitybased policing. However, citizens will only be willing to hand over firearms in their possession if they perceive an improvement in public safety and security and if they have a certain degree of trust in the police and other security agencies. This is where communitybased policing can play an important role in strengthening SALW initiatives. Similarly, if there is a good working relationship between the police and the community, it will be easier for the police to obtain information about arms caches or transit routes for arms trafficking. What is Community-Based Policing? Community-based policing is a partnership between the police and the community in sharing the delivery of police services. Ridge-Meadows detachment is in a process of transition from reactive traditional policing to proactive community based policing. It involves the strategy of problem oriented policing and employs various tactics, depending on the problem being addressed. Some of these tactics are: Community consultation Neighbourhood policing Decentralization Different types of responses to calls for service Shared responsibility for community problems Modern-management concepts A move away from 9-1-1 service calls and a total reactive policing service Proactive service delivery Crime Prevention Programs Community policing is a philosophy of police service delivery. It does not result from specific initiatives, such as bicycle patrols, crime prevention programs, and community storefronts/offices, or school liaison officers. Though these may be important, they do not represent a philosophically different way of doing business. Community policing acknowledges that, in addition to responding to emergency calls and apprehending offenders, police have always been involved with service calls of a more general nature. In fact, aside from paperwork and crime investigation, the bulk of a patrol officers time is spent responding to service calls. Community policing means a philosophical shift toward dealing with these community problems. Community-based policing (CBP) is an approach to policing that brings together the police, civil society and local communities to develop local solutions to safety and security concerns. This paper, published by Saferworld, assesses outcomes of and lessons learned from two CBP pilot programmes in Kenya. CBP improves public trust in the police, cooperation between police, citizens and community and stakeholder capacity for security sector reform (SSR). CBP allows police and community to work together to solve crime, disorder and safety problems. It makes safety and security a shared responsibility, emphasises police-community partnerships and targets policing needs in each community. What is Community Policing? There are many definitions of community policing but it is proposed here that the Queensland Police Service recognise it as an interactive process between the police and the community to mutually identify and solve policing problems in the community. The concept of community policing is based on the unit of communityà ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ®persons in social interaction in a geographical area but which may also include persons in interaction based on ethnic, business, religious or other grounds.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Neuropsychological and Employment Implications: A Case Study of :: Medical Medicine Essays

Neuropsychological and Employment Implications: A Case Study of Whiting’s Patient Introduction: In 2005, the case study patient was involved in an automobile accident, where he sustained a head injury (Whiting, 2005). During a routine CT scan to check for possible brain damage, his physicians discovered an abnormal growth within his third (3rd) ventricle, in the approximate region of the frontal lobe. The physicians later determined that the growth was a colloid cyst, which is a collection of gelatinous material. On the advice of his physicians, the patient underwent neurosurgery to have the cyst removed, and recovered without any serious side effects. The diagnostics, treatment, and follow-up care associated with brain surgery are not performed in a vacuum; rather, the appropriate level of pre-operative and post-operative care relies on the deliberate cooperation of various parties. These parties include the neurologist, the neurosurgeon, the psychological and psychiatric professionals, the patient’s spouse, his or her employer, and the patient her or himself. The intent of this paper is to examine the roles of the neuropsychologist and the patient’s employers in the successful treatment, using the case study of the patient as a vehicle to conduct this analysis. This paper will begin with a brief overview of the frontal cortex and the 3rd ventricle, followed by the viewpoints of the neuropsychologist and the patient’s employer. The Frontal Cortex: A Brief Overview The brain’s outermost covering, the cerebral cortex, is partitioned into four lobes: the occipital lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the frontal lobe. Although these lobes, as well as the rest of the brain, mutually innervate each other, each particular lobe is associated with different aspects of behavior and information processing (Drubach, 2000). The occipital cortex contains much of the neurons used in the processing of visual images, the temporal lobe processes many components used in the understanding of language, and the parietal lobe contains the primary somatosensory cortex, the cortical structure involved in the processing of touch sensations and muscle and joint data. (Kalat, 2001) Of interest to us is the frontal lobe. It extends from the central sulcus (a deep cortical groove extending along the coronal plane to both hemispheres of the brain) to the anterior limits of the brain. The two main divisions of the frontal lobe are the primary motor cortex and the pre-frontal cortex. The latter structure, the primary motor cortex, is responsible for the coordination of fine motor movements throughout different

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Macroeconomic study of deal not with Individual but aggregate of these quantities not with Individual Incomes but nation incomes not with Individual output but with the nation output Macroeconomic as two policies which are; Financial or monetary macroeconomic policies: The government can make the balance of how money can be supply.The money can be supply In three term which are: OMO- Open Market Operation Reserve requirement Interest Rate OMO can supply money Into the bank through central bank example the BOT can sell the shared to the bank at the lower price who can be faced the Inflation and then hat central bank can buy to the higher price theory.In microeconomics the behavior can depend on how they make decision on choice of the good but in the microeconomics it not consider the 1 OF3 Inalvlaual Denavlor It cons10er aoout tne tne wnole nation com/microeconomics-chapter-4/">Microeconomics is the study of decision that people and business make regarding the allocation of resource a nd price of good and services . This can means also taking into account taxes and regulation created by government. Macroeconomic focused on the supply and demand and other forces that determine the price level seen in he economy. For example microeconomics would look at how a specific company could maximize its production and capacity so it could lower price and better compete in its industry Macroeconomic on the other hand is it the field of economic that studies the behavior of the economy as a whole and not Just on the specific companies but the entire industries and economic .This look at economy-wide phenomena such as Gross Nation Product (GDP) and how its affected by changes in unemployment, nation income, rate growth, and price level . For example , macroeconomic would look t how an increase/decrease in net export would affect the nation capital account or how GDP would be affected by unemployment. What are the determinants of economic growth and living standard in a country in macroeconomic are used in determine to know why this country is more develop than other country are used macroeconomic. For example why Kenya are more develop than Tanzanian country is this how can be used or.Since a century ago developed nation have achieved a high rate of economic growth which in turn raised people standard of living macroeconomic examines the reasons behind the speedy conomic growth in the developed nations and understand the reason why this growth is different between the various countries Productivity The average labor productivity or the output of a single worker is important to determine the standard of living macroeconomic will question the factor which decide on the employee productivity growth rate macroeconomic is seen the one worker or single worker in order to determine the average of the worker in the economic that can assure the economic product of the nation or the whole can grow or not in yht area What are the cause of the decline and growth in an economic ny economy will surely go through decline and growth in relation to this macroeconomic will look at the cause of these changes in the economic and the government policies that can be implement to overcome an economic problem wnat are Tactor wnlcn affectlng unemployment Rate of unemployment means there is an available work force that wants to work but has no Jobs the rate of unemployment will increase when the economic situation is good macroeconomic will examine the reasons for unemployment types of unemployment and ways to overcome unemployment What are factor that cause the general price level or inflation to rise Inflation is an increase in the general price level which is usually measured by changes in the consumer price index the question asked in a macroeconomic analysis are 1 . what are factor affecting inflation. 2. Why does inflation rate differ from time to time 3. why does inflation rate fro one country to anotherThe macroeconomic does not look for the one per son or individual s a policy but can be used to all people For instances if a national saving is increased at the cost of individual welfare it is not considered a wise policy The macroeconomic analysis regard aggregate as homogenous but does not into its internal composition For instance if the wages of the clerks fall and the wages of the teachers rise the average wage may remain the same It is not necessary that aggregate variable are important. For instance nation income is the total of the individual income if the nation income in the country goes up it is no necessary that the income of all individual in the country will also rise there is possibility that that the rise in nation income may be due to the increase in the income of a few rich families of the country

Friday, January 3, 2020

An Analysis Of Zora Neale Hurstons Trifles By Susan...

In a male dominated society, women were believed to be fragile weaklings that depended on men in order to survive and find happiness. In fact, they were seen as nothing more than selfless wives and mothers. The seemingly â€Å"perfect wife† then, was characterized by her dutifulness and obedient demeanor. This notion of male supremacy was undoubtedly the predominant basis of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Rendered unable to voice their own opinions, women then turned to pen and paper as a way to communicate their thoughts. From this, arose the following pieces: Kate Chopin’s short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour,† Emily Dickinson’s poem â€Å"She rose to His Requirement - dropt,† Susan Glaspell’s play Trifles, and Zora Neale Hurston’s novel†¦show more content†¦The story takes place during the harsh and relentless winter, serving as a key symbol since Mrs. Hale describes Mr. Wright as â€Å"a raw wind that gets to t he bone† (Glaspell 19). In this sense, the desolate environment outside parallels the atmosphere inside the Wright’s home. The cold presence of her husband has confined Mrs. Wright and created a loneliness that was unbearable, leading her to eventually murder him. While Glaspell communicates women’s view of marriage through significance of the canary and setting, Chopin makes use of the symbolism in Mrs. Mallard’s room door along with the front door of her home to illustrate the struggles that women during her time. After news of her husband’s death, Mrs. Mallard retreats back to her room, having no one accompany her. She resides there long enough that her sister, Josephine, must â€Å"implor[e] for admission† with â€Å"her lips to the keyhole† (Chopin 16). Josephine is convinced that grief has consumed her sister who was making herself ill. Although she does weep over the death of her husband, Mrs. Mallard â€Å"was drinking in a very elixir of life† (Chopin 16). The door that divides her and the rest of the characters represents a separation from her ordinary life and the life that she must keep private. Only behind this door does Mrs. Mallard feel safe to confide in her feelings, which was that of joy and a profound desire for a freedom that â€Å"would belong to her absolutely† (Chopin 16), without concern for what others will make